FabCO® 101
A5.29: E101T1-GM
This wire minimizes the crack sensitivity in quench and tempered low alloy steels such as ASTM A514. Excellent impact properties at low temperatures.

FabCO® 105D2
A5.29: E100T5-D2C
This product can be used for the repair of manganese-moly castings, or components that must undergo post weld heat treatment and maintain a tensile strength in the neighborhood of 100,000 psi. The bas…

FabCO® 110
A5.29: E111T1-K3 MJ H8
This wire minimizes the crack sensitivity in quench and tempered low alloy steels such as ASTM A514.

FabCO® 111-V
A5.29: E111T1-K3C
High strength all-postion gas-shieled flux core wire used to join quench and tempered steels like ASTM A514

FabCO® 115
A5.29: E110T5-K4C H4
Primarily used in the welding of T-1, A514, A517, HY-100, and similar quenched and tempered high strength and low alloy steels. The basic slag system produces a low hydrogen weld deposit reducing the …

FabCO® 115K3
A5.29: E110T5-K3C/-K3M H4
This wire is used for welding high strength quench and tempered and low alloy steels like T-1, A514, A517, and Hy-100. The T-5 flux core uses a basic slag which keeps hydrogen content very low reducin…

FabCO® 125K4
A5.29: E120T5-K4C H4
For the welding of quenched and tempered low alloy grades of steels. Excellent impact values at low temperatures along with a low diffusible hydrogen content due to the basic slag system.

FabCO® 711M
A5.20: E71T-1C H8/-1M H8
The stiff arc action of this wire enhances the deep penetration for out of position welding. Designed for use welding carbon steels, or higher strength steels where the properties of an E71T-1 are dee…

FabCO® 712C
A5.20: E71T-1CJ/-9CJ/-12CJ H4
Engineered to produce excellent mechanical properties at lower temperatures in both the as welded and post weld heat treat conditions. Provides low hydrogen levels in all welding positions.

FabCO® 712M
A5.20: E71T-1MJ H4, E71T-9MJ H4, E71T-12MJ H4
Formulated to allow excellent mechanical toughness properties at lower temperatures in both the as welded and post weld heat treat conditions. All position wire with low hydrogen levels.

FabCO® 73
A5.20: E70T-2C
FabCO 73 has a very high amount of de-oxidizing elements to handle moderately mill scale, rust and other foreign contaminants

FabCO® 750M
AWS A5.29: E111T1-K3M J H4
All position gas shielding flux-cored wire, FabCO® 750M is designed for welding of offshore jack up rigs and high strength steels such as A514, A710, EQ56, and similar HSLA and Q&T steels

FabCO® 803
A5.29: E81T1-Ni2CJ H4/-Ni2MJ H4
FabCO 803 is especially suited for those fine grained steels where low temperature CVN toughness is needed. Ideal for welding 2% Nickel steels. Provides a fast-freezing slag, low spatter, excellent ar…

FabCO® 811A1
A5.29: E81T1-A1C H8
All position flux-cored welding electrode for welding the 0.50% Molybdenum steel and other low alloy steels.

FabCO® 811N1
A5.29: E81T1-Ni1CJ H4/-Ni1MJ H4
All position flux-cored wire used in applications where low temperature notch toughness is required. Can be used on weathering steels when color match is not required.

FabCO® 812-Ni1M
A5.29: E81T1-Ni1 MJ H4
Designed for excellent mechanical toughness at lower temperatures in both the as welded and post weld heat treat conditions. All position wire with low hydrogen levels

FabCO® 81K2-C
A5.29: E81T1-K2CJ H8
All position wire designed for 100% CO2 gas. For mild and low alloy steel applications.